
These Minerals We Seem Lacking

I promised the Doog that I would compile hims some "between sets jams" for him to rock whilst being a soundguy at various rock clubs. Doog is the only live music aficionado I know who hates music. So he has been alternating between a Meters collection and Talking Heads - Remain in Light for several years while bands get their shit together. I mean, he could have picked worse shit to groove out to between changing over gear, but I understand the frustration of the club managers who are probably sick of "The Great Curve".

So while I am diggin' in the crates and trying to paint some aural buffet for my man to use on the job, I can't seem to put down Plants and Animals latest, La La Land. I was not bowled over by 2008's Parc Avenue - it seemed to leave a lot of holes where the songs could have gotten much more rich and then would just fall flat. But La La Land picks up with a much more cerebral meatiness... less folk-noodling that seemed to be so en vogue with the success of bands like Animal Collective, who every indie band seemed to be aping at the time.

I have not seen the live show translation of Plants and Animals, but there definitely seems to be a lot of room for improvisation. I am hoping they stay "plugged in" and keep the layers working, because La La Land is a solid listen. It may be a little too difficult to fit into the Doog's mid-show setlists, but I may try to sneak a track like "Fake It" into one of the more energetic moments.

Check La La Land here... and then, if you are down, do the right thing.

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