
GRILLZ BE HOT... (cookin the motherfuckin Brontosaurus burger, Gus)

"Get away from that grill you dun'know how to start a fire... You dun'know how start no fire, put this fire out. This ain't no fire goddamnit...
Eddie. Eddie go over there get all of that wood I need half a tree. Chop that tree. Chop down that tree and give me the wood.
And Charlie go get me 10 gallons of gasoline out the shed... we needs 10 gallons of gasoline, you kids roll up your shirt we're gonna start a fire!
Come on, you wanna eat? You wanna eat?. Then shut up and put it on the fire.
OK, put that wood on the side there. OK gimme the gasoline, Charlie. Hold the match, when I tell you, throw the match on the gasoline, all right? When I tell you, right? We gonna make a fire.
We gonna eat.

Here we go pour the gasoline on like this.
We need the whole ...
get that goddamn lighter fluid out of here we can't use that shit.
Using all the 10 gallons gasoline on this wood. And make a fire, we're gonna eat a hamburger, OK? Here we go, Charlie ...throw the match...

That's a fire, look at that, look at that!

He be alright... roll Charlie 'round, roll him around."

Since its officially Cookout Season - Please indulge yourself Mr. Murphy's finest hour, Delirious, the audio from the infamous 1983 HBO special that pretty much cemented my sense of humor for years to come. This MP3 rip does not include the AIDS bit for some reason... I guess some PC wingnut decided it was too radical in 2008... who knows.

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